Welded Wire Mesh Gabions & Woven Wire Gabions
Gabion Mattress, Boxes and Rockfall Netting Exporter
The modern gabion mattress is a rectangular woven wire mesh box. Its strength lies in its double twisted hexagonal mesh of steel wire which is reinforced by selvedges of heavier wire running along the edges and by transverse diaphragms.
The protective gabions coating is typically either:
•heavily zinc galvanized wire
•as above PLUS heavy duty PVC coating
•Galfan coated
•as above PLUS heavy duty PVC coating
Galfan wire units offer enhanced durability, and are available upon request. This coating type is the most durable wire coating available internationally and is being increasingly used within Australia to ensure gabion structures achieve a far longer design life.
Mattress type gabions have significant advantages as retaining wall structures, including –
•Permeability of the front face, ensuring drainage of backfill and no hydrostatic pressures behind the wall
•Flexibility, ensures the woven mesh gabions accommodate differential settlements unlike rigid systems eg. welded mesh cages
•Ease of construction
•One of the most economical retaining systems on the market
•Incorporation as required of vegetation throughout the structure